Patent Management Assitance

Overwhelmed by your IP portfolio?

We understand that your intellectual property is a valuable asset that needs meticulous management. By partnering with Patent Management Assistance, you can unlock the true value of your IP portfolio while enjoying peace of mind knowing that experts are acting in your interest.

Our experienced team of legal professionals specialises in helping businesses strategically manage their IP portfolio, ensuring optimum protection, cost efficiency, and strategic planning.

We don’t interfere with your current patent or trade mark attorneys; we manage your IP portfolio and leave the drafting and prosecution advice to them.

We will take the worry of IP portfolio management off your hands, sort everything out and ensure your technology and your wallet are protected.

We are experienced patent attorneys and administrators who manage IP portfolios for companies like yours  – and we do it well.

Why PMA?

    • Expertise in Intellectual Property
    • Strategic Assitance 
    • Cost Optimisation
    • Timely and Proactive Services

Missing an IP deadline can be worse than forgetting a wedding anniversary, or your significant other’s birthday. Once it’s gone, it’s gone, and being under-resourced is no excuse.

Don’t let your intellectual property go unnoticed or be vulnerable to potential infringements. Trust us to provide quality IP Asset Management services that ensure your IP is protected, strategically managed, and optimised for growth.

We guarantee a better service and better protection at a better price – no more, no less – and – peace of mind!

Unlock the Brilliance of Your IP Portfolio

Email Rhys